| Where Nigeria and Diaspora meet.

MsNigeriaDiaspora is a resource hub where we define, explore, discover, realize, share, showcase, illuminate, promote, uplift, and facilitate all things Nigerian and Diaspora.
Our mission is to leverage the Nigerian Diaspora for nation building back home.
We aim to create and express content that inspires Nigerians in the Diaspora to invest back home in Nigeria.

The story of a Miss of Nigerian descent, living in a Diaspora world.
A Nigerian Diaspora world. A Nigerian Diaspora that we define.
We are a Diaspora from the same Motherland, a shared Heritage, and BackHome aspirations.
The Diaspora story is not her own, but a shared story amongst her Nigerian compatriots around the world.
A shared story that is a narrative of multiple stories- Nigerian Diaspora Stories.
More than Nigerian Diaspora Stories, we resonate through
Nigerian Diaspora Doers, Nigerian Diaspora Millennials, and Nigerian Diaspora Corpers.
More than Nigerian Diaspora Stories, we engage through
Nigerian Diaspora Connections and Nigerian Diaspora Discourses.

At, we tell the narrative of the Nigerian global community.
A place of pride, growth, and impact.

At, we’re all about the #234- Nigeria!
Why “#234”, you ask. Well that one’s easy. 234 is the country code of our beloved Nigeria (with the obligatory hashtag). The “Diaspora” is because that’s who we are (and proudly so)!
So that’s the story of is a platform to define #234Diaspora, explore #234DiasporaMotherland, discover #234DiasporaHeritage, realize #234DiasporaBackHome, share #234DiasporaStories, showcase #234DiasporaDoers, illuminate #234DiasporaMillenials, promote #234DiasporaConnections, uplift #234DiasporaCorpers, and facilitate #234DiasporaDiscourses.

Here we shape how we view ourselves and how the world does as well. Here’s to defining our destiny in our host countries and most importantly, back home. | Where Nigeria and Diaspora Meet™
We define, explore, discover, realize, share, showcase, illuminate, promote, uplift, and facilitate all things Nigerian and Diaspora.