#234DiasporaMotherland | Nigerian Diaspora Motherland

We are the Nigerian Diaspora from the motherland, our motherland.
Our motherland is backhome, where it all began.
Where are we from?
We are from the motherland, our deep roots.

Nigeria, we hail thee in all its glory.
Nigeria, we hail thee in all its darkness.
Though near or far, you are always in our hearts.

From bustling Lagos to the burgeoning Abuja, we are the motherland.
From the villages, to the town, to the river rhine, we are the motherland.
We are from the north to the south; from the east to the west;
and the middlebelt.
Igboland, Yorubaland, Hausi-Fulani land,
and the indigenous lands are the motherland.

Umu Naija, Omo Naija, Mutanin Nanjeria, Naija we hail thee!
We are the motherland. And we are from the motherland.

Go with us as we travel through the motherland, our motherland.
Our Nigerian Diaspora Motherland.
Explore the sights, sounds, tastes, aromas, and experiences.
Explore the Nigerian Diaspora Motherland, the #234DiasporaMotherland.
This is #234DiasporaMotherland!

To contribute to our virtual tour of our motherland, click here to become a #234DiasporaMotherland contributor.